Friday, February 25, 2011 in melbourne

alhamdulillah...i reached melbourne safely after such long tired journey...feel like dreaming seeing the trams, the australian rushing to work, and the church in front of my house....after a day, i realize that i have to face the reality..and real journey towards bright future is now begin..*start my day with high spirit..*

ni jalan depan umah...


yesterday, when i have to depart to departure hall, only one thing spinning in my mind, "just go, never look back, hold back your tears...if Allah wishes, u'll come back again.." it's hard when when u have to say good's true, u will never miss the water till the well runs dry..i really appreciate people when they really far from me..

today i spent the whole day unpacking all the things...after all, alhamdulillah.....alhamdulillah...

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